
Monday, March 5, 2012

Bang Bang

So for the most part, I am going to stick to posting about topics that are pretty light (why take things too seriously, right?), but today something a little more substantial caught my eye.  I usually don't get involved in any political talk or debates over controversial stuff, mostly because I am not smart enough to know what I am talking about and I usually just make a fool of myself.  That begin said, I just wanted to make a quick comment on something that hits pretty close to home:

If you go to CU, you have already received the e-mail or seen your Facebook feed blow up regarding the fact that CU is now allowing those who are over 21 with a Colorado Concealed-Weapon Permit to carry a gun on campus.

For those of you who have not seen the news or don't live in the Boulder bubble, here's a news article, go check it out.  Here is a quote from the e-mail all of the students received:
Further, under current state law, having a CCP 
does not allow a person to use his or her weapon to knowingly place or attempt to place another person in fear of imminent serious bodily injury.
Uh duh...I'm sure they are trying to make us feel safe about their decision, but come on.  I know that there are probably people on both sides who feel very strongly about this, but as a student at CU I find this issue a little concerning as to my safety. What the heck do you need a gun on campus for?  To ward off the crazy hippies or the rabid raccoons?  Is my lab partner going to be packing heat and I won't even know about it?  Sure this is a question of constitutionality and has roots deeper than I will ever understand, but there have been a lot of school shootings in the news the past few years, I just feel like we should do everything in our power to protect our campus and ensure our safety.

Regardless, I am a buff for life...Colt 45s or not.

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